League: BasketLigan (SWE 1) 2023/24


2023/24Norrköping Dolphins
2022/23Norrköping Dolphins
2021/22Norrköping Dolphins
2020/21Södertälje BBK
2019/20- post season cancelled -post season cancelled
2018/19Södertälje Kings
2017/18Borås Basket
2016/17Södertälje Kings
2015/16Södertälje Kings
2014/15Södertälje Kings
2013/14Södertälje Kings
2012/13Södertälje Kings
2011/12LF Basket Norrbotten
2010/11Norrköping Dolphins
2009/10Norrköping Dolphins
2008/09Sundsvall Dragons
2007/08Solna Vikings
2006/07Plannja Basket

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1 Day for free then $19 / Month
All features of the free plan plus these:
Individual player stats
Player highs
Box scores
Game Log
Individual team stats
Team highs
League & Team History
1 Day for free then $29 / Month
All features of the standard plan plus these:
Advanced player search tool
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Advanced player stats
Player splits
Advanced team stats
Team key facts
Team splits
Advanced team search tool
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Statistical league leaders & rankings
$119 / Month
All features of the professional plan plus these:
videos on every team and player
video analysis of every shot, play type and game situation
sorting and filtering of video clips per skill set, or action
Insights into team, opposition, and player performances


21 Sep 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsKöping Stars80 - 66
22 Sep 2023RegularBC LuleåUmeå BSKT105 - 71
22 Sep 2023RegularBorås BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket78 - 70
22 Sep 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketUppsala Basket85 - 74
25 Sep 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketBC Luleå85 - 59
25 Sep 2023RegularSödertälje BBKKFUM Nässjö Basket86 - 76
26 Sep 2023RegularUmeå BSKTBorås Basket71 - 97
28 Sep 2023RegularSödertälje BBKUppsala Basket94 - 76
29 Sep 2023RegularKöping StarsUmeå BSKT79 - 94
29 Sep 2023RegularBorås BasketBC Luleå88 - 95
06 Oct 2023RegularBC LuleåSödertälje BBK97 - 102
06 Oct 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsUppsala Basket101 - 89
06 Oct 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketKöping Stars101 - 77
10 Oct 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketNorrköping Dolphins70 - 84
10 Oct 2023RegularUppsala BasketUmeå BSKT82 - 74
13 Oct 2023RegularBorås BasketUppsala Basket90 - 89
13 Oct 2023RegularUmeå BSKTNorrköping Dolphins75 - 98
13 Oct 2023RegularSödertälje BBKKFUM Jämtland Basket84 - 91
14 Oct 2023RegularKöping StarsBC Luleå74 - 84
19 Oct 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketUmeå BSKT86 - 73
20 Oct 2023RegularUppsala BasketKöping Stars96 - 77
20 Oct 2023RegularBC LuleåKFUM Nässjö Basket113 - 98
21 Oct 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsSödertälje BBK90 - 76
23 Oct 2023RegularKöping StarsBorås Basket82 - 74
24 Oct 2023RegularBC LuleåUppsala Basket86 - 93
24 Oct 2023RegularUmeå BSKTSödertälje BBK69 - 85
24 Oct 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket75 - 76
04 Nov 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsBC Luleå107 - 91
07 Nov 2023RegularKöping StarsKFUM Jämtland Basket66 - 86
07 Nov 2023RegularBorås BasketSödertälje BBK80 - 82 OT
07 Nov 2023RegularUmeå BSKTKFUM Nässjö Basket87 - 95
10 Nov 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketUmeå BSKT117 - 79
10 Nov 2023RegularBC LuleåBorås Basket80 - 78
10 Nov 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketKöping Stars81 - 78
13 Nov 2023RegularBorås BasketNorrköping Dolphins76 - 85
14 Nov 2023RegularUmeå BSKTKFUM Jämtland Basket71 - 101
14 Nov 2023RegularSödertälje BBKBC Luleå87 - 88
14 Nov 2023RegularUppsala BasketKFUM Nässjö Basket81 - 87
17 Nov 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketBorås Basket77 - 72
17 Nov 2023RegularKöping StarsUppsala Basket91 - 98
17 Nov 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketSödertälje BBK99 - 74
18 Nov 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsUmeå BSKT91 - 76
21 Nov 2023RegularSödertälje BBKKöping Stars84 - 79
24 Nov 2023RegularBorås BasketKFUM Nässjö Basket86 - 69
24 Nov 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketUppsala Basket83 - 84 OT
27 Nov 2023RegularUppsala BasketNorrköping Dolphins75 - 82
30 Nov 2023RegularBorås BasketUmeå BSKT90 - 70
30 Nov 2023RegularSödertälje BBKNorrköping Dolphins80 - 93
01 Dec 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketKFUM Nässjö Basket103 - 87
01 Dec 2023RegularBC LuleåKöping Stars105 - 71
04 Dec 2023RegularBC LuleåNorrköping Dolphins78 - 94
05 Dec 2023RegularSödertälje BBKBorås Basket78 - 77
05 Dec 2023RegularKöping StarsKFUM Nässjö Basket80 - 90
05 Dec 2023RegularUmeå BSKTUppsala Basket86 - 89
08 Dec 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsKFUM Jämtland Basket70 - 86
08 Dec 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketBC Luleå69 - 88
08 Dec 2023RegularUppsala BasketSödertälje BBK72 - 80
08 Dec 2023RegularBorås BasketKöping Stars93 - 79
11 Dec 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketSödertälje BBK79 - 81
12 Dec 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsKFUM Nässjö Basket96 - 87
12 Dec 2023RegularUppsala BasketBC Luleå73 - 97
12 Dec 2023RegularUmeå BSKTKöping Stars94 - 98
15 Dec 2023RegularKöping StarsNorrköping Dolphins76 - 99
15 Dec 2023RegularBC LuleåKFUM Jämtland Basket89 - 80
16 Dec 2023RegularUppsala BasketBorås Basket75 - 106
16 Dec 2023RegularSödertälje BBKUmeå BSKT78 - 79
19 Dec 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketNorrköping Dolphins73 - 96
27 Dec 2023RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketUppsala Basket76 - 75
27 Dec 2023RegularUmeå BSKTBC Luleå80 - 103
27 Dec 2023RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketBorås Basket84 - 93
27 Dec 2023RegularKöping StarsSödertälje BBK91 - 94 OT
30 Dec 2023RegularBorås BasketKFUM Nässjö Basket94 - 73
30 Dec 2023RegularBC LuleåUmeå BSKT94 - 81
30 Dec 2023RegularUppsala BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket77 - 85
30 Dec 2023RegularNorrköping DolphinsKöping Stars78 - 73
04 Jan 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsBorås Basket95 - 83
04 Jan 2024RegularSödertälje BBKKFUM Jämtland Basket85 - 83
05 Jan 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketBC Luleå100 - 86
08 Jan 2024RegularUppsala BasketNorrköping Dolphins78 - 90
08 Jan 2024RegularUmeå BSKTBorås Basket76 - 110
11 Jan 2024RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketNorrköping Dolphins73 - 77
11 Jan 2024RegularBorås BasketKöping Stars80 - 66
12 Jan 2024RegularBC LuleåSödertälje BBK82 - 71
12 Jan 2024RegularUppsala BasketKFUM Nässjö Basket103 - 94
15 Jan 2024RegularKöping StarsUppsala Basket83 - 75
16 Jan 2024RegularUmeå BSKTKFUM Nässjö Basket94 - 98
17 Jan 2024RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketBC Luleå85 - 78
19 Jan 2024RegularSödertälje BBKBorås Basket75 - 94
25 Jan 2024RegularSödertälje BBKUmeå BSKT113 - 80
26 Jan 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketKöping Stars95 - 86
26 Jan 2024RegularBorås BasketUppsala Basket89 - 65
26 Jan 2024RegularBC LuleåNorrköping Dolphins99 - 93
29 Jan 2024RegularKöping StarsBC Luleå89 - 111
30 Jan 2024RegularUppsala BasketSödertälje BBK92 - 65
30 Jan 2024RegularUmeå BSKTKFUM Jämtland Basket93 - 79
30 Jan 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsKFUM Nässjö Basket94 - 87
01 Feb 2024RegularBC LuleåBorås Basket93 - 98
01 Feb 2024RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketKöping Stars98 - 74
02 Feb 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketSödertälje BBK86 - 84
02 Feb 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsUmeå BSKT104 - 94
05 Feb 2024RegularBorås BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket83 - 82
06 Feb 2024RegularSödertälje BBKNorrköping Dolphins74 - 90
06 Feb 2024RegularUmeå BSKTKöping Stars90 - 100
06 Feb 2024RegularBC LuleåUppsala Basket85 - 65
09 Feb 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsBorås Basket89 - 93
09 Feb 2024RegularUppsala BasketUmeå BSKT97 - 73
09 Feb 2024RegularKöping StarsSödertälje BBK89 - 75
10 Feb 2024RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketKFUM Nässjö Basket88 - 62
12 Feb 2024RegularUmeå BSKTBC Luleå76 - 103
13 Feb 2024RegularKöping StarsNorrköping Dolphins87 - 83
13 Feb 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket84 - 87
13 Feb 2024RegularUppsala BasketBorås Basket77 - 86
15 Feb 2024RegularSödertälje BBKKFUM Nässjö Basket86 - 88
16 Feb 2024RegularBorås BasketUmeå BSKT115 - 83
16 Feb 2024RegularBC LuleåKöping Stars88 - 78
16 Feb 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsUppsala Basket98 - 70
29 Feb 2024RegularUppsala BasketBC Luleå68 - 71
29 Feb 2024RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketSödertälje BBK106 - 72
01 Mar 2024RegularKöping StarsBorås Basket68 - 79
01 Mar 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketNorrköping Dolphins86 - 95
04 Mar 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketBorås Basket72 - 77
05 Mar 2024RegularUmeå BSKTUppsala Basket87 - 90
05 Mar 2024RegularKöping StarsKFUM Jämtland Basket74 - 87
05 Mar 2024RegularSödertälje BBKBC Luleå85 - 113
07 Mar 2024RegularBC LuleåKFUM Nässjö Basket100 - 85
08 Mar 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsSödertälje BBK99 - 76
09 Mar 2024RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketUmeå BSKT94 - 70
10 Mar 2024RegularUppsala BasketKöping Stars108 - 79
14 Mar 2024RegularKöping StarsUmeå BSKT85 - 86
15 Mar 2024RegularBC LuleåKFUM Jämtland Basket91 - 92 OT
15 Mar 2024RegularBorås BasketNorrköping Dolphins91 - 92 OT
16 Mar 2024RegularSödertälje BBKUppsala Basket98 - 78
18 Mar 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsKFUM Jämtland Basket90 - 79
19 Mar 2024RegularUmeå BSKTSödertälje BBK85 - 91
19 Mar 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketUppsala Basket86 - 71
19 Mar 2024RegularBorås BasketBC Luleå88 - 85 OT
21 Mar 2024RegularSödertälje BBKKöping Stars84 - 74
22 Mar 2024RegularKFUM Jämtland BasketBorås Basket84 - 68
22 Mar 2024RegularKFUM Nässjö BasketUmeå BSKT103 - 74
22 Mar 2024RegularNorrköping DolphinsBC Luleå84 - 91
26 Mar 2024RegularBorås BasketSödertälje BBK82 - 76
26 Mar 2024RegularKöping StarsKFUM Nässjö Basket87 - 98
26 Mar 2024RegularUmeå BSKTNorrköping Dolphins72 - 95
26 Mar 2024RegularUppsala BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket70 - 77
02 Apr 20241/4 finalNorrköping DolphinsKöping Stars133 - 77
02 Apr 20241/4 finalKFUM Jämtland BasketUppsala Basket91 - 62
03 Apr 20241/4 finalBorås BasketSödertälje BBK103 - 88
03 Apr 20241/4 finalBC LuleåKFUM Nässjö Basket95 - 90 OT
04 Apr 20241/4 finalKFUM Jämtland BasketUppsala Basket101 - 74
04 Apr 20241/4 finalNorrköping DolphinsKöping Stars112 - 71
05 Apr 20241/4 finalBC LuleåKFUM Nässjö Basket90 - 74
05 Apr 20241/4 finalBorås BasketSödertälje BBK93 - 69
07 Apr 20241/4 finalKöping StarsNorrköping Dolphins75 - 94
07 Apr 20241/4 finalUppsala BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket65 - 77
08 Apr 20241/4 finalKFUM Nässjö BasketBC Luleå87 - 100
08 Apr 20241/4 finalSödertälje BBKBorås Basket94 - 78
10 Apr 20241/4 finalSödertälje BBKBorås Basket63 - 77
16 Apr 20241/2 finalNorrköping DolphinsBC Luleå100 - 76
17 Apr 20241/2 finalKFUM Jämtland BasketBorås Basket66 - 83
19 Apr 20241/2 finalNorrköping DolphinsBC Luleå85 - 74
19 Apr 20241/2 finalKFUM Jämtland BasketBorås Basket86 - 75
21 Apr 20241/2 finalBorås BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket65 - 63
22 Apr 20241/2 finalBC LuleåNorrköping Dolphins83 - 96
24 Apr 20241/2 finalBorås BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket81 - 74
24 Apr 20241/2 finalBC LuleåNorrköping Dolphins98 - 76
26 Apr 20241/2 finalNorrköping DolphinsBC Luleå83 - 57
27 Apr 20241/2 finalKFUM Jämtland BasketBorås Basket90 - 86
01 May 20241/2 finalBorås BasketKFUM Jämtland Basket77 - 58
08 May 2024finalNorrköping DolphinsBorås Basket107 - 73
10 May 2024finalNorrköping DolphinsBorås Basket66 - 65
14 May 2024finalBorås BasketNorrköping Dolphins97 - 70
16 May 2024finalBorås BasketNorrköping Dolphins74 - 96
18 May 2024finalNorrköping DolphinsBorås Basket76 - 72


CountryTeamHomeRosterScheduleStatsKey Facts
SwedenBC LuleåHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenBorås BasketHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenKFUM Jämtland BasketHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenKFUM Nässjö BasketHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenKöping StarsHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenNorrköping DolphinsHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenSödertälje BBKHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenUmeå BSKTHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
SwedenUppsala BasketHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
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$119 / Month
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$119 / Month
All features of the professional plan plus these:
videos on every team and player
video analysis of every shot, play type and game situation
sorting and filtering of video clips per skill set, or action
Insights into team, opposition, and player performances