League: LUB (URU 1) 2023/24


2022/23Hebraica Macabi
2021/22Atletico Bigua
2020/21Atletico Bigua
2019/20Atletico Aguada
2018/19Atletico Aguada
2016/17Hebraica Macabi
2015/16Hebraica Macabi
2012/13Atletico Aguada

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$119 / Month
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video analysis of every shot, play type and game situation
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Insights into team, opposition, and player performances


24 Oct 2023RegularLarre BorgesCordon83 - 79
25 Oct 2023RegularMalvinUrupan88 - 73
26 Oct 2023RegularGoes MontevideoDefensor Sporting Club73 - 87
26 Oct 2023RegularNacionalTrouville83 - 81
27 Oct 2023RegularAtletico AguadaClub Atletico Penarol77 - 76
28 Oct 2023RegularHebraica MacabiAtletico Bigua93 - 59
30 Oct 2023RegularLarre BorgesMalvin89 - 96
30 Oct 2023RegularTrouvilleGoes Montevideo90 - 83
30 Oct 2023RegularCordonNacional65 - 98
31 Oct 2023RegularAtletico BiguaUrupan79 - 84
01 Nov 2023RegularDefensor Sporting ClubAtletico Aguada85 - 70
01 Nov 2023RegularHebraica MacabiClub Atletico Penarol73 - 90
02 Nov 2023RegularNacionalLarre Borges95 - 67
03 Nov 2023RegularGoes MontevideoCordon75 - 84
03 Nov 2023RegularMalvinAtletico Bigua73 - 84
04 Nov 2023RegularHebraica MacabiDefensor Sporting Club70 - 64
04 Nov 2023RegularAtletico AguadaTrouville81 - 69
07 Nov 2023RegularClub Atletico PenarolAtletico Bigua92 - 90 OT
07 Nov 2023RegularLarre BorgesGoes Montevideo80 - 83
08 Nov 2023RegularCordonAtletico Aguada70 - 89
08 Nov 2023RegularDefensor Sporting ClubUrupan78 - 67
08 Nov 2023RegularTrouvilleHebraica Macabi93 - 74
09 Nov 2023RegularNacionalMalvin84 - 79
13 Nov 2023RegularMalvinClub Atletico Penarol83 - 82
13 Nov 2023RegularAtletico BiguaDefensor Sporting Club87 - 82
13 Nov 2023RegularUrupanTrouville88 - 84
13 Nov 2023RegularAtletico AguadaLarre Borges94 - 86
13 Nov 2023RegularHebraica MacabiCordon55 - 66
13 Nov 2023RegularGoes MontevideoNacional92 - 98
17 Nov 2023RegularUrupanCordon63 - 82
17 Nov 2023RegularNacionalAtletico Aguada77 - 68
17 Nov 2023RegularTrouvilleAtletico Bigua92 - 83
17 Nov 2023RegularGoes MontevideoMalvin76 - 78
17 Nov 2023RegularLarre BorgesHebraica Macabi88 - 83
20 Nov 2023RegularAtletico AguadaGoes Montevideo105 - 91
20 Nov 2023RegularMalvinDefensor Sporting Club73 - 75
20 Nov 2023RegularAtletico BiguaCordon71 - 66
20 Nov 2023RegularHebraica MacabiNacional99 - 107
20 Nov 2023RegularUrupanLarre Borges97 - 82
22 Nov 2023RegularClub Atletico PenarolTrouville88 - 52
23 Nov 2023RegularAtletico AguadaMalvin87 - 85
23 Nov 2023RegularNacionalUrupan91 - 78
24 Nov 2023RegularLarre BorgesAtletico Bigua80 - 106
24 Nov 2023RegularGoes MontevideoHebraica Macabi76 - 75
25 Nov 2023RegularCordonClub Atletico Penarol67 - 75
27 Nov 2023RegularHebraica MacabiAtletico Aguada84 - 79
27 Nov 2023RegularUrupanGoes Montevideo85 - 87
27 Nov 2023RegularAtletico BiguaNacional101 - 94
28 Nov 2023RegularMalvinTrouville92 - 70
28 Nov 2023RegularDefensor Sporting ClubCordon75 - 67
30 Nov 2023RegularGoes MontevideoAtletico Bigua91 - 86
30 Nov 2023RegularAtletico AguadaUrupan91 - 58
02 Dec 2023RegularHebraica MacabiMalvin105 - 99 OT
02 Dec 2023RegularLarre BorgesDefensor Sporting Club75 - 85
05 Dec 2023RegularMalvinCordon78 - 62
05 Dec 2023RegularTrouvilleLarre Borges93 - 75
05 Dec 2023RegularAtletico BiguaAtletico Aguada81 - 94
05 Dec 2023RegularUrupanHebraica Macabi80 - 98
06 Dec 2023RegularDefensor Sporting ClubClub Atletico Penarol72 - 79
08 Dec 2023RegularAtletico BiguaHebraica Macabi67 - 80
08 Dec 2023RegularUrupanMalvin79 - 61
08 Dec 2023RegularCordonLarre Borges81 - 66
08 Dec 2023RegularDefensor Sporting ClubNacional91 - 99
11 Dec 2023RegularTrouvilleDefensor Sporting Club77 - 92
12 Dec 2023RegularNacionalClub Atletico Penarol77 - 97
12 Dec 2023RegularMalvinLarre Borges103 - 70
14 Dec 2023RegularAtletico AguadaDefensor Sporting Club92 - 77
14 Dec 2023RegularGoes MontevideoTrouville85 - 93
15 Dec 2023RegularUrupanClub Atletico Penarol64 - 89
18 Dec 2023RegularClub Atletico PenarolLarre Borges89 - 62
18 Dec 2023RegularTrouvilleAtletico Aguada82 - 90
18 Dec 2023RegularAtletico BiguaMalvin89 - 75
19 Dec 2023RegularCordonGoes Montevideo80 - 71
21 Dec 2023RegularClub Atletico PenarolUrupan90 - 64
21 Dec 2023RegularDefensor Sporting ClubHebraica Macabi78 - 84
04 Jan 2024RegularAtletico BiguaClub Atletico Penarol81 - 87
04 Jan 2024RegularUrupanDefensor Sporting Club77 - 88
04 Jan 2024RegularGoes MontevideoLarre Borges80 - 64
04 Jan 2024RegularMalvinNacional83 - 84
04 Jan 2024RegularAtletico AguadaCordon78 - 75
04 Jan 2024RegularHebraica MacabiTrouville102 - 85
08 Jan 2024RegularDefensor Sporting ClubGoes Montevideo84 - 80
08 Jan 2024RegularCordonTrouville83 - 97
09 Jan 2024RegularLarre BorgesNacional82 - 94
09 Jan 2024RegularClub Atletico PenarolHebraica Macabi73 - 52
11 Jan 2024RegularTrouvilleUrupan53 - 85
11 Jan 2024RegularDefensor Sporting ClubAtletico Bigua96 - 86
12 Jan 2024RegularCordonHebraica Macabi70 - 87
12 Jan 2024RegularLarre BorgesAtletico Aguada83 - 104
12 Jan 2024RegularNacionalGoes Montevideo111 - 61
12 Jan 2024RegularClub Atletico PenarolMalvin82 - 58
15 Jan 2024RegularClub Atletico PenarolAtletico Aguada88 - 87
15 Jan 2024RegularTrouvilleNacional79 - 99
15 Jan 2024RegularMalvinGoes Montevideo92 - 76
16 Jan 2024RegularCordonUrupan64 - 57
18 Jan 2024RegularAtletico AguadaNacional105 - 111 OT
18 Jan 2024RegularAtletico BiguaTrouville97 - 82
20 Jan 2024RegularClub Atletico PenarolDefensor Sporting Club81 - 64
22 Jan 2024RegularNacionalCordon86 - 61
23 Jan 2024RegularHebraica MacabiLarre Borges94 - 78
23 Jan 2024RegularDefensor Sporting ClubMalvin85 - 82
24 Jan 2024RegularClub Atletico PenarolGoes Montevideo90 - 65
25 Jan 2024RegularCordonAtletico Bigua77 - 72
26 Jan 2024RegularLarre BorgesUrupan100 - 88
27 Jan 2024RegularGoes MontevideoAtletico Aguada74 - 75
27 Jan 2024RegularTrouvilleClub Atletico Penarol83 - 91
29 Jan 2024RegularAtletico BiguaLarre Borges94 - 61
30 Jan 2024RegularHebraica MacabiGoes Montevideo85 - 69
30 Jan 2024RegularClub Atletico PenarolCordon65 - 75
30 Jan 2024RegularMalvinAtletico Aguada77 - 87
30 Jan 2024RegularDefensor Sporting ClubTrouville88 - 84
02 Feb 2024RegularAtletico AguadaHebraica Macabi96 - 86
02 Feb 2024RegularLarre BorgesClub Atletico Penarol52 - 57
02 Feb 2024RegularNacionalAtletico Bigua71 - 67 OT
02 Feb 2024RegularTrouvilleMalvin75 - 82
05 Feb 2024RegularCordonDefensor Sporting Club74 - 76
05 Feb 2024RegularGoes MontevideoUrupan74 - 80
06 Feb 2024RegularClub Atletico PenarolNacional79 - 68
06 Feb 2024RegularMalvinHebraica Macabi84 - 90
08 Feb 2024RegularAtletico BiguaGoes Montevideo94 - 91 OT
08 Feb 2024RegularUrupanAtletico Aguada74 - 111
09 Feb 2024RegularTrouvilleCordon57 - 72
09 Feb 2024RegularDefensor Sporting ClubLarre Borges92 - 77
14 Feb 2024RegularCordonMalvin75 - 69
14 Feb 2024RegularAtletico AguadaAtletico Bigua107 - 85
15 Feb 2024RegularGoes MontevideoClub Atletico Penarol77 - 62
15 Feb 2024RegularLarre BorgesTrouville84 - 90
16 Feb 2024RegularHebraica MacabiUrupan93 - 90
22 Feb 2024RegularNacionalDefensor Sporting Club65 - 72
01 Mar 2024RegularUrupanNacional89 - 74
04 Mar 2024RegularAtletico AguadaDefensor Sporting Club82 - 77
15 Mar 2024RegularAtletico AguadaHebraica Macabi92 - 74
15 Mar 2024RegularCordonNacional86 - 67
18 Mar 2024group BMalvinLarre Borges86 - 62
18 Mar 2024group AClub Atletico PenarolAtletico Aguada81 - 82
18 Mar 2024group BTrouvilleGoes Montevideo67 - 80
18 Mar 2024group BAtletico BiguaUrupan83 - 73
18 Mar 2024group ANacionalHebraica Macabi66 - 101
18 Mar 2024group ADefensor Sporting ClubCordon79 - 60
21 Mar 2024group ANacionalHebraica Macabi79 - 83
21 Mar 2024group AClub Atletico PenarolDefensor Sporting Club69 - 72
23 Mar 2024group AHebraica MacabiDefensor Sporting Club103 - 96 OT
23 Mar 2024group AAtletico AguadaNacional103 - 89
23 Mar 2024group ACordonClub Atletico Penarol68 - 84
26 Mar 2024group ADefensor Sporting ClubNacional58 - 95
26 Mar 2024group AClub Atletico PenarolHebraica Macabi99 - 74
26 Mar 2024group AAtletico AguadaCordon82 - 88
01 Apr 2024group AHebraica MacabiAtletico Aguada86 - 113
01 Apr 2024group ANacionalCordon69 - 61
01 Apr 2024group ADefensor Sporting ClubClub Atletico Penarol67 - 83
03 Apr 2024group BUrupanAtletico Bigua87 - 78
04 Apr 2024group AHebraica MacabiCordon91 - 88 OT
05 Apr 2024group ANacionalClub Atletico Penarol94 - 78
08 Apr 2024group AClub Atletico PenarolCordon90 - 81
08 Apr 2024group ADefensor Sporting ClubHebraica Macabi92 - 76
08 Apr 2024group ANacionalAtletico Aguada83 - 87
11 Apr 2024group ACordonDefensor Sporting Club79 - 89
12 Apr 2024group AAtletico AguadaClub Atletico Penarol77 - 82
15 Apr 2024group BAtletico BiguaTrouville76 - 79
16 Apr 2024group BMalvinUrupan88 - 86 OT
17 Apr 2024group BTrouvilleAtletico Bigua70 - 81
17 Apr 2024group AHebraica MacabiNacional52 - 93
18 Apr 2024group ACordonAtletico Aguada74 - 97
18 Apr 2024group BUrupanMalvin99 - 74
19 Apr 2024group AHebraica MacabiClub Atletico Penarol82 - 99
20 Apr 2024group BMalvinUrupan77 - 68
20 Apr 2024group BAtletico BiguaTrouville79 - 81
22 Apr 2024group AClub Atletico PenarolNacional63 - 67
23 Apr 2024group ADefensor Sporting ClubAtletico Aguada91 - 85
29 Apr 2024group AAtletico AguadaMalvin91 - 67
30 Apr 20241/4 finalNacionalCordon60 - 73
30 Apr 20241/4 finalDefensor Sporting ClubHebraica Macabi89 - 84 OT
30 Apr 20241/4 finalClub Atletico PenarolTrouville92 - 87
02 May 20241/4 finalCordonNacional66 - 72
02 May 20241/4 finalMalvinAtletico Aguada81 - 83
03 May 20241/4 finalTrouvilleClub Atletico Penarol64 - 92
04 May 20241/4 finalHebraica MacabiDefensor Sporting Club73 - 88
06 May 20241/4 finalClub Atletico PenarolTrouville87 - 77
06 May 20241/4 finalNacionalCordon81 - 68
08 May 20241/4 finalAtletico AguadaMalvin100 - 95
08 May 20241/4 finalDefensor Sporting ClubHebraica Macabi97 - 73
09 May 20241/4 finalCordonNacional66 - 78 OT
13 May 20241/2 finalClub Atletico PenarolDefensor Sporting Club89 - 74
14 May 20241/2 finalAtletico AguadaNacional115 - 101
16 May 20241/2 finalDefensor Sporting ClubClub Atletico Penarol87 - 68
17 May 20241/2 finalNacionalAtletico Aguada98 - 89
21 May 20241/2 finalAtletico AguadaNacional92 - 87
21 May 20241/2 finalClub Atletico PenarolDefensor Sporting Club76 - 80
24 May 20241/2 finalDefensor Sporting ClubClub Atletico Penarol61 - 80
24 May 20241/2 finalNacionalAtletico Aguada82 - 97
27 May 20241/2 finalClub Atletico PenarolDefensor Sporting Club103 - 66
02 Jun 2024finalClub Atletico PenarolAtletico Aguada65 - 66
06 Jun 2024finalAtletico AguadaClub Atletico Penarol97 - 90
10 Jun 2024finalClub Atletico PenarolAtletico Aguada95 - 78
14 Jun 2024finalAtletico AguadaClub Atletico Penarol88 - 74
17 Jun 2024finalClub Atletico PenarolAtletico Aguada71 - 88


CountryTeamHomeRosterScheduleStatsKey Facts
UruguayAtletico AguadaHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayAtletico BiguaHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayClub Atletico PenarolHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayCordonHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayDefensor Sporting ClubHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayGoes MontevideoHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayHebraica MacabiHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayLarre BorgesHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayMalvinHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayNacionalHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayTrouvilleHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
UruguayUrupanHomeRosterScheduleTeam StatsKey Facts
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